Tuesday, August 2, 2016

New Proposed Saturday Schedule

First off, ALL CLASSES ARE FREE ON SATURDAYS, instead of drop in fees we will would prefer if you want to support the gym to make a donation towards us getting a big ticket item, our first item is a new Rower!!!" I will get a safe/lockbox/change jar that anyone is welcome to donate to. Got loose change in your cup holder? Bring it in when you come for your next workout. Love being able to bring your kids in to play for an hour, drop a few bucks in the jar. Your continued support helps our facility grow so we can better serve you!


Here is the new proposed Saturday schedule:

6 am Strongman

Heavy Barbells, Heavy Carries, all things heavy, not just for guys, Christine Masters loves it too. She also can do most workouts with RX weights, coincidence?

8 am Team Challenge Workouts

Team workouts that can include basically anything my mind comes up with. Expect to use any and all equipment, including obstacles, in the gym, nothing is off limits! For those of you that liked the Saturday Spartan classes you will love this even more! THIS IS THE PERFECT CLASS TO BRING A FRIEND/LOVED ONE TOO!!

9 am Mobility Class taught by Zach Shiels, Ben Volz, and/or Peter Arndt (pending they agree :D )

Each week they will teach you some awesome strategies to help you get in better positions. Struggle locking a bar out overhead, how great are your overhead squats? Need to get better at pullups? Squat with knee pain? Lift your ankles when you squat? Improving the quality of your movement will unlock your full potential leading to less pain, better recovery, faster progress! This class will change your life!


-kids welcome (bring your kids to play on our monkey bars, cargo nets, and zigzag wall) (lead by example showing them how fun fitness can be) (kids must be accompanied by parent)

-work on technique (Oly lifting, Rope climbing, Toes to Bar, Spear throws, monkey bars, anything you want to get better at, you name it, lets work on it!

Again, ALL CLASSES ARE FREE FOR EVERYONE! You are welcome to make a donation to support us getting more equipment, but you don't have to. The choice is yours!

Any questions or for more info contact Jon@evolutionft.com

Evolution Fitness
212 S. Curtis Rd
West Allis, WI 53214

Things to do before and after a workout to get better results
